Box Now PrestaShop Module Documentation

In this documentation you will read how to install and use our module ’01 Box Now’ for PrestaShop.
Documentation Content
- Installation
- Configuration
- Using the order options (single order)
- Using the table options (multiple vouchers)
- Email Files you might want to change
- Module Translation
- Contribute
- Upload it via modules- >add a new module->choose a file (>upload this module via PrestaShop Module Manager or unzip and upload zoboxnow folder to your root/modules folder via FTP
- Search the module under Modules type zoboxnow
- Click install and then configure it
To configure the module, you will have to navigate your self from the administrative(back office) menu Modules -> Module Manager and search for our module by typing ‘zoboxnow’ with out the single quotes and pressing enter, then click on the configure button.
Here you will find 3 sections(tabs), each section configures different things for the module.
After first time install! First disable the new carriers
**MUST** When you install the module for the first time it is essential to configure the module first correctly and then use it!
There are two actions that must be made before using it.
- First thing to do is disable or configure the carriers. Upon installation module creates 2 carriers, one for greece and one for cyprus, each one is needed for each country so that the widget for its country loads succesfully. Configure each carrier accrdingly as you configure any other prestashop carrier, just be sure to set the correct country to each carrier.
- from the configuration page of the module click on the VOUCHER SETTINGS and then choose the cach on delivery modules that you have installed on your prestashop. With ctrl pressed you can choose more than one if you are using multiple COD modules. This is crutial as it will help the module understand when an order is cash on delivery and mark it as cash on delivery in the voucher.
Configuration Section I: Credentials
All the credentials are give from Box Now, you will have to ask for access at their web services.
Finally environment is for you to choose. DEV is for tests, Stage environments as box now calls it. Live is for the live production environment.
On Warehouse id if you have more than one you enter the ids seperated by commas, for e.g. 2,1234,1235 the first one will be the default(in our e.g. 2 is the default)
Contact email, phone and name are your data!
Configuration Section II: Voucher Settings
First option is to show the data and voucher options within the order. Note that these data and options will be shown only to orders that are made with modules carriers.
Next tree options concern on how the customer will choose a locker.
First one and most important one is to choose whether will choose from a pop up window or from a div under the carrier.
Pop up window is selected nearly from all and it is the best UX/UI for the customer.
Text and color concern the “choose a locker” button that the customer is clicking on in order to fire up the widget and choose a locker.
Cash on delivery option is the most crutial option. Helps the module understand according to the payment method of the order and what you choose when to characterise a voucher as cach on delivery. So choose all your cash on delivery modules that your prestashop has installed, with ctrl pressed you can choose more than one.
Send email when voucher is printed will send an email to the customer with the voucher number and a track link.
Choose an Order Status if you want to send an email when the order is changing on this status. This option is when you want to send the email with the voucher number and tracking link to the custom when you change the order status at the one you choose. Choose **NONE** to not use it
Finally choose if you want to change the order status automatically when a voucher is printed. Choose **NONE** to not use it
Using the order options
This section is all about the options that are shown with in the order page.
Any changes you make on this options a message will be shown that informs you if everything went well or not.
Voucher Options
- First of a locker name is displayed that inticates the locker that the customer choose. You can click on it and a google map will open with lockers coordinates, to change this locker if needed you can click on the change locker button.
- Second is to choose the locker size you will need, default is small, click and choose another one if need it and click anywhere on a blank spot of the page so that the option will be saved, an infomation message will be shown to let you know all went well or not
- Choose COD if this order is Cash on delivery or not
- Parchels, enter more than one if one order has more than one boxes, for example if I have an order with 2 boxes you will enter the number 2 on purchels and a master voucher number will be created and a second voucher number for the second box.
- Warehouse id, you choose the warehouse you will send it from, if only one then you will have the option for only one, default is the first in the row
- comment to be shown on the delivery voucher. The order comment is automatically placed in here but you can change it if you wish, simple delete write another and click anywhere outside of the textbox a message will be shown that says SAVED.
- The main button of this form that creates the voucher and opens the voucher on a new tab so you can print it.
- Sends an email to the customer with the voucher number and tracking link
- Shows the voucher number that you created for the particular order
- If you chose more than one parchels the voucher number of each parchels will be shown and a link to cancel it.
How to print a voucher
First you choose the options you want for your order (locker size, COD, parchels, warehouse id and comment) and then you click on the “PRINT VOUCHER” button, a new tab will be opened for you with the voucher, then you simple print it as any other pdf document.
How to cancel a voucher
When you print a voucher under the voucher number a link to delete the voucher will be shown.
Using the table options
From Boxnow Vouchers table you can choose multiple orders to print at one go or cancel them.
Voucher Options
Although the options are desplayed there you can not alter them, only the commend. If you want to alter them click on the view button and alter the choices from inside the order page.
How to print a voucher
First you choose each order you want to print by clicking the checkbox next to the ID order number. Then at the end of the page you click Bulk Actions and click on “Print Selected Orders”
How to cancel a voucher
Same as to print but instead from bulk actions you click on the “Cancel these orders”
Email Files you might want to change
There is a email template file that you might want to change to your standards.
- root folder/modules/zoboxnow/mails/{language}/in_transit_boxnow.html (email for the voucher number and track link)
Variables to use in in_transit_boxnow.html
Module Translation
To translate our module is easy. Navigate yourself from the back office (admin area) menu International -> Translations on the Modify Translations section choose.
Type of translation -> Installed modules translations
Select your module -> Boxnow
Select your language -> The language you wish to translate it to.
And click modify.
Now translate each field and click save or save and stay button.
Contribute by letting us know the flaws of our module, or the suggestions you have so we can make it better!
Please feel free to open a ticket for a difficulty you have or for a contribution in (do not forget to login with the account you purchase the module first)
Happy sales! <3