Change Prices and Add Discounts Massively

In this documentation you will read how to install and use our module for Change Prices and Add Discounts Massively developed for PrestaShop.
- Upload it via modules- >add a new module->choose a file (>upload this module or unzip and upload zo_masspricechange folder to your root/modules folder via FTP
- Search the module under Modules type masspricechangeto find it quick.
- Click install and then configure it
- After module installation, you will find 2 extra options on the Admin menu under the Catalog Admin Menu, Mass Price Edit and Price edit log
- Mass Price Edit, is to change the prices or add specific prices to your products massively
- Price edit log, keeps track on the changes you have made with our module and gives you the ability to revert your changes
- You can track and trace a package by clicking on Track it! Button
- For the Mass Price Edit, each option has a description that can help you, also if you hover over the labels there are hints too
- You can change those default values from the module configuration page
- Price edit log offers you information with the changes you have applied. You can choose restore option of a row to restore all the products as they were before you make that change
- Each Row of the Price edit log shows what options did you choose to make the changes and most usefull information is the date column!
Useful Information
- You can search for category ‘Root’ which is a primary category and click on the option ‘include all subcategories’, this will result on changing your whole catalogue, all of your products!
- If you make a reduction of the base price and the price goes negative, the change will not take place. For e.g. lets say you have a product cost 2 Euro and you make a base price change -3 so the result would be -1, this change will not take place and 2 Euro will remain for this product!
CAUTION for AJAX Setting
Default value is 10 and it is safe for every server. This setting is to increase or decrese the number of products are going to be processed be AJAX call. For eg if the setting is 10 and you change 100 products they are going to be 9 AJAX calls each one will processes 10 products, if you change the setting to 100 it will process all the products at once, however some servers with small timeout it may result to a timeout 500 error! By incrasing the number you make the changes to the products faster but you are also increase the possibility for a timeout error. By decreasing the number you are safe from timeout errors but it will take some more time to process the products specially for large catalogues 10k+ products.
If you face any difficulties please open a ticket in to help you out (do not forget to login with the account you purchase the module first)
Happy sales!