MyCourierCenter Documentation
Version 1.0.0

In this documentation you will read how to install and use our module for CourierCenter developed for PrestaShop.
- Upload it via modules- >add a new module->choose a file (>upload this module or unzip and upload mycouriercenter folder to your root/modules folder via FTP
- Search the module under Modules type couriercenter to find it quick.
- Click install and then configure it
- Credentials are given by Courier Center
- In the configuration page of the module complete all fields
- From admin prestashop menu choose Shipping –> mycouriercenter
- You can track and trace a package by clicking on Track it! Button
- You can print delivery sheets one by one or many together
- Printing sheets is easy, you choose all the desired orders you want to print and atthe bottom of the πage, from Bulk actions you choose Print Selected orders, you wait up until you have been redirected to a PDF, then you printed by right click print or by clicking on the print icon.
- You may cancel a voucher or mode by selecting the desired vouchers you wish to cancel and click from bulk actions Cancel these orders (the same actions can be done for mass track and trace but you select Track orders from bulk actions)
- Finally at the end of each day when you are ready to ship from bulk actions click on the 3rd option Close Day Manifest to notify Courier Center that your vouchers are finished for the day and the may come and get the packages. You do not have to check any orders for this action.
If you face any difficulties please open a ticket in to help you out (do not forget to login with the account you purchase the module first)
Happy sales!