
Last Update:15/09/2022
Module Latest Version:V 1.6.22
Compatibility:V1.6.0.4 - V1.7.8.6

MyGeniki is a Shipping module. It connects with Geniky Taxidromiky (Greece) API and you can print your Vouchers from your PrestaShop and after you Ship it you may track your package. Customer is able to track his package from the front page.

What this module does for you

Print Vouchers fast and easy and save time
Track and trace your packages
Send tracking info via automate email to your customer

What your customers will like

When your change the order status that the order is shipped by default client recieves an email. In that email the delivery voucher code is going to be shown so that the client can track the package from the ACS website
Client can also track the package from your website, when you install the module a new hook is added in top Display and when the client is login he/she can see a list of the orders and click to track them.


Customer may track his/her package any time from the front office.
If merchant adds the in email template, customer will know the tracking number of his/her order via email