Bank Integration
PrestaShop Modules for all Greek Banks. Ethniki (NBG) Bank, Piraeus Bank, Alpha Bank, Eurobank and vivawallet
There are 6 products.
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EthnikiPay is a payment module for Greek Bank Ethniki NBG. It uses the modal method of hosted checkout to accept...
AlphaPay is a Payment module for Greek Alpha Bank. It uses the redirect method to accept credit card payments by...
PireosPay Piraeus Bank...
PireosPay is a payment module for Greek Bank Piraeus. It uses the redirect method to accept credit card payments...
EuroPay is a Payment module for Greek EuroBank. It uses the redirect method to accept credit card payments by...
VivaPay - vivapayments...
VivaPay is a PrestaShop module integrating the payment methods of VivaPayments. The module is using the smart...
IrisPay - IRIS Payments ΔΙΑΣ API...
IrisPay is a PrestaShop Payment module. Uses the web services API of ΔΙΑΣ. Creates an IRIS payment where your...